Workshops with Elizabeth & Luis, Sunday 4 September
Event Start Date: 04/09/2022 | Event End Date: 04/09/2022 | Event Venue: Waterloo Park Cafe, Norwich NR3 3LD |
We’re very pleased to welcome Elizabeth Knock & Luis Rodriguez back to Norwich. Once again we’ll be in the beautiful surroundings of Waterloo Park. Take the workshops, refresh yourself in the Pavillion Café, and dance away to great tandas.
Workshops 11am – 2:30pm
WS1: Dancing in the Crossed System
WS2: “La salida del 40” (The salida of the 1940s).
Both workshops £25 – these are designed to be taken as a pair.
Tea Dance 4pm – 7:30pm: £8 including our normal spread
To book workshops, email